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Central Park Public Domain in Sydney wins Good Design Award

Turf Design Studio wins the Australian Good Design Award in the category Best in Class Architecture & Urban Design with the design for the Central Park Public Domain.

Central Park (Image courtesy of Frasers Property Australia and Sekisui House Australia)




Turf Design Studio wins the Australian Good Design Award in the category Best in Class Architecture & Urban Design with the design for the Central Park Public Domain.

In 2007, Turf Design Studio together with Jeppe Aagaard Andersen was commissioned by Frasers Property to redesign the public area of the Carlton United Brewery site. Within the framework of collaborative design workshops in Sydney, London and Paris, TURF conceived an expanded and interconnected network of new places – streets, lanes, parks and plazas.

The terrain offered immense possibilities: In the centre was the former C&U brewery, surrounded by a built fabric of some of Sydney’s oldest worker’s cottages, terraces and warehouses. Turf Studio’s aim was to reinterpret and expand the history of the site while creating a new site in Sydney.

Central Park’s public domain exemplifies how a well-considered and legible public domain framework can both unite a site and restitch a city. At the heart of the site is Chippendale Green; a north-facing park of terraced, sun drenched lawns tucked away from the frenetic pace of the city.

A large public park was always central to the masterplan intent. Orientating the park’s long axis with the frontage of existing Chippendale terraces proved vital in creating a place of meaning and connectedness for the community.

Since its opening in 2012, Central Park has quickly become a popular innovation in city life. From daily walks with dogs or yoga classes, to hosting two-month markets, to numerous major annual events, Central Park has been adopted by the community at all levels.

“Urban design that is effecting and directing social fabric of the community.“

The jury comments on its decision as follows: “An impressive icon of urban design that has added much to the urban architecture, setting new benchmarks in central urban design and positively effecting and directing social fabric of the community.“

Sustainability principles

Just as good to know: Sustainability was and is at the heart of the Central Park mission, including minimum Five Green Star Certification and the achievement of carbon and water neutrality throughout the project. It was critical that each phase of the development process embraces these sustainability principles and strives for innovation and measurable performance in sustainability.

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“Urban and transport planning must go hand in hand for liveable cities.”
„Experience tells us to keep it up“
Dresden: Intelligently cooled

