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Growth – Challenge for European Cities

Felix Baumann

Europe’s metropolises are faced with new challenges: for some time now, the population has been increasingly attracted to the conurbations. A conference in Frankfurt is now focusing on the opportunities and limits of growth.

What will be the fu­tu­re de­sign of me­tr­o­po­li­tain are­as in Eu­r­ope? (credits: Fr­an­k­furt Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­p­lied Sci­e­n­ces)




Globally, agglomerations are attractive to the population in rural areas and are therefore constantly growing. Also in Europe, there has been an increase in migratory movements from the countryside to the city, so city planning is facing new challenges. On 16th of May, the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences is organizing a conference about the subject. Under the title “Europe’s Agglomerations – Challenges to Planning and Building”, experts and participants exchange views on the trend in Europe.

Opportunities and limitations of urban development

The aim of the conference is to identify the opportunities and limitations of urban development. For this purpose, current research results and solutions are to be discussed and evaluated. To deal with the complex subject matter, the congress deals with building-related, legal and economic aspects as well as social and cultural developments. The broad topic area is divided into two forums, in which the participants can inform themselves and exchange information through speeches and discussions. While Forum I deals with business, law and infrastructure, Forum II concerns with gentrification, dependency on the car and the digitalisation of planning data. Afterwards, the challenges of growth in terms of their ecological and social aspects are discussed in a joint forum.

Participation and Recognition

Participation fee: 90 €  |  Student price: 30 €

More information can be found here.

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“Urban and transport planning must go hand in hand for liveable cities.”
„Experience tells us to keep it up“
Dresden: Intelligently cooled

