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SINAI curates the G+L 11/22

Magdalena Schmidkunz




The landscape architecture firm SINAI has been known throughout Germany at least since the BUGA in Heilbronn. And the next lighthouse projects are already in the pipeline. Our sister magazine G+L is indeed all the more pleased to have won the Berlin office for its third guest-curated issue. The office is designing the November 2022 issue. A little insight.

Climate change and altered lifestyles are changing our cities. For many years, dense development, “the classic city”, with both narrow and crowded streets, was a symbol of good urbanity, a guiding principle of landscape architecture and urban planning. In view of climate change with its heat waves and heavy rain events, the image seems obsolete. Do we have to say goodbye to building density in favour of infiltration troughs and windbreaks? And will our facades eventually disappear behind green masses? These are the questions that landscape architecture firm SINAI addresses in this year’s guest-curated G+L.

The editorial team at SINAI (from left to right: Vera Hertlein-Rieder, Sophie Holz, Lisa Konrad, AW Faust and Leoni Layer), Photo: Z. Zhao, SINAI

SINAI to be the third curator of G+L

After Topotek 1 (2020) and bauchplan ).( (2021), the Berlin office is guest curator for the November 2022 issue. In concrete terms, this means that the editors of G+L are daring to experiment for the third time by handing over the lead in terms of content to a landscape architecture office. An experiment with renewed success: The result is an issue with five major dialogues on the transformation of the city that explore the planning ambivalences of our time.

SINAI spoke with landscape architects, urban planners, architects and researchers about visions, competitions, participation, bureaucracy and research. Carlo W. Becker (bgmr) and Nils Buschmann (ROBERTNEUNTM), Franz Reschke (FRL) and Steffan Robel (A24 Landschaft), Klaus Overmeyer (Urban Catalyst) and Ulrike Böhm (bbzl), Heiko Sieker (Sieker) and Gerhard Hauber (Henning Larsen) as well as Sanda Lenzholzer (Wageningen University) and Alice Labadini (TU Munich) will have their say. In the dialogues, SINAI is not looking for Sunday confessions, but wants to discuss hopes, frustrations and conflicts. These are intended to bring about change and move landscape architecture and urban planning. In doing so, SINAI spans an arc from abstract to practical questions, from visions to implementations.

Also interesting: The latest issue of topos, Energy City. Get an insight here.

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The Underline: A multimodal corridor in Miami
“Social responsibility and climate protection are two important factors”
“Developing holistic and sustainable strategies“

