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World Congress of Building Greening


From June 16-18, 2020, the World Congress of Building Greening will take place in Berlin. The motto is “Meet the World of Building Greening in Berlin!”.




Originally, the World Congress Building Green should have taken place in June 2020. After several changes, the new congress date has now been set: The World Congress on Green Building will be held from June 27 to 29, 2023. Among others, the world-renowned facade and wall greener Patrick Blanc will be taking part.

Climate change, adaptation strategies, expectations for sustainable construction, rainwater management, preserving biological diversity, funding opportunities, cost-benefit considerations – all these issues will be addressed at the World Congress of Building Greening 2023 in Berlin. From 27 to 29 June, 100 speakers, 40 exhibitors and 20 cooperation partners will come together to impart knowledge on building greening, showcase best practice examples and network.

Sustainability, policy and practical examples

These are the main topics of the World Congress Bulding Greening:

  • Urban strategies (urban dialogue, subsidies, water and climate sensitive urban development, urban resilience and future city)
  • Sustainability (Ecological overall concepts, sustainable urban development and economic efficiency analysis)
  • Health (climate adaptation strategies, quality of life, binding of particulate matter and nitrogen oxide)
  • Biodiversity (biological diversity, plant selection, species and insect protection)
  • Market (data, potential analysis and green roof index)
  • Politics (How does green buildings move Germany, Europe and the world)
  • Rainwater management (blue-green infrastructure, flood prevention and retention roofs)
  • Architectural and practical examples (best practice, industrial and residential construction, high-rise greenery, urban farming)
  • Technology (basics, high-tech solutions, innovations and monitoring)

Organizer of the World Congress Bulding Greening is the Bundesverband GebäudeGrün e.V. (BuGG), flanked by the world and European associations (WGIN and EFB) and the two partner associations from Austria (VfB) and Switzerland (SFG).

Details of the event programme, the venue and registration options can be found here.

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