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New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023

Laura Puttkamer




In 2023, the New European Bauhaus initiative will award prizes for sustainable and inclusive projects and concepts for the third time. Participants can submit their applications online until 31 January 2023. More about the competition as well as previous winning projects here.

The 2023 New European Bauhaus competition

The New European Bauhaus Prizes 2023 are open to application from EU Member States and the Western Balkans. Applicants have until 31 January at 19:00 CET to submit a project or idea. The Prizes will award up to 30,000 Euro to exemplary initiatives that link sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusiveness. These are the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus.

The goal of the Prizes is to recognise and exemplify beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive projects. At the same time, New European Bauhaus wants to support the younger generation to develop emerging concepts and ideas further. So far, there have been editions of the competition in 2021 and 2022, which received more than 3,000 applications from all the EU Member States.

In 2023, the Prizes will again celebrate inspiring examples of transformation sin our daily lives, living spaces, and experiences. These are the few categories of the New European Bauhaus:

  • Reconnecting with nature
  • Regaining a sense of belonging
  • Prioritising the places and people that need it most
  • Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life cycle thinking

Application details

Each category has three parallel competition strands: New European Bauhaus Champions for existing and completed projects; New European Bauhaus Rising Stars for concepts by applicants aged 30 or less; and New European Bauhaus Education Champions for education and learning initiatives. Champions of Strands 1 and 3 receive 30,000 Euro and a communication package, while Rising Stars receive 15,000 Euro and a communication package.

In total, there will be 15 prizes. The jury will select 12 winners, one for each category in each strand. One winner per strand will be selected through an open public voting. All finalists will receive an invitation to Brussels to participate in the award ceremony. They will also get a communication package provided by the European Commission to support the promotion of their project.

New European Bauhaus offers a dedicated platform to register and submit applications. The platform also offers more information on the categories, an application guide, as well as an official contact point for any questions related to the Prizes. Until 31 January 2023, experts in the four categories can also submit their expression of interest to evaluate the application for the 2023 edition of the Prizes.

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One of the winning projects in 2022 was called
One of the winning projects in 2022 was called "Gardens of the future" from Cyprus. Copyright: © European Union, 2022
"Gleis 21" in Vienna also won a New European Bauhaus Prize in 2022. Copyright: © European Union, 2022

Former winners

There have already been many winning projects that have been awarded a New European Bauhaus Prize in 2021 and 2022. In 2022, a ceremony took place on June 11 during the New European Bauhaus Festival in Brussels. Projects from 15 different EU member states won prizes, with a total of 18 winners.

The winner of the public vote in Strand A was the project “Gardens of the Future” in Cyprus. This grassroots organisation is transforming an abandoned area in Cyprus’ capital Nicosia into a community garden. The aim is to create a new sense of belonging and connection, with a view of growing a network for more sustainable change elsewhere in Cyprus.

In the field of “Regaining a sense of belonging”, one of the winners was Gleis 21 in Vienna, a building with a wooden façade in the city’s new Sonnwendviertel neighbourhood. The hybrid construction was built with an innovative assembly method based on prefabrication, involving future residents and the community. The house is now owned and managed by a cooperative, emphasising affordability, inclusion, community, and solidarity.

Connecting the European Green Deal

The New European Bauhaus is a creative, interdisciplinary initiative aiming at connecting the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences. Projects demonstrating the sustainable solutions promoted by the European Green Deal will therefore have the best chances to win.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, described the importance of the New European Bauhaus as follows: “If the European Green Deal has a soul, then it is the New European Bauhaus which has led to an explosion of creativity across our Union.”

The initiative describes itself as “a creative and transdisciplinary movement in the making”. It wants to be a bridge between science, technology, art, as well as culture. Leveraging green and digital challenges, New European Bauhaus looks for ways to transform our lives for the better in a co-creative way. At the same time, the movement wants to build bridges between different backgrounds and disciplines with participation at all levels.

Apart from the New European Bauhaus Prizes, the initiative provides access to EU funding through open calls for innovative projects in cities. It also helps cities to join CrAFt, a Horizon Europe project inspired by the New European Bauhaus that wants to test transformation models and gives implementation support.

Read more: Implementing the SDGs in cities is a challenge, but at the same time, cities are the best testing ground for innovations in architecture and planning.

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