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The Place to be for City Changers


The Urban Future Global Conference 2019 (UFGC) will be held in Oslo, the 2019 European Green Capital, from May 22-24. topos will be there, too.

The four key themes are: Urban Mobility, Built Environment and Architecture, Leadership, Green Business and Innovation.




The Urban Future Global Conference (UFGC) is Europe’s largest event for sustainable cities. This year, the event will be held in Oslo, the 2019 European Green Capital, from May 22-24. topos will be there, too.

When it comes to creating a sustainable future, cities play a key role. Given the fact that an increasing number of people will live in urban environments, it’s high time to put urgent issues on the agenda and strive to solve urban challenges, such as climate change or social inequalities. This is what city changers aim to do during the conference. The topics change slightly from year to year, taking into account all the discussions that the conference leadership has with stakeholders who share views on the most important issues for the future of cities.

The four key themes are: Urban Mobility, Built Environment and Architecture, Leadership, Green Business and Innovation.

The conference participants come from the fields of cities and municipalities, business, research, innovation and science, architecture and urban planning, NGOs and start-ups.

Session with topos: design cities for the well-being of citizens

topos editor Anja Koller moderates a session titled “Places vs. Buildings” within the series “What if” on the second day of the conference. She asks the question: how to build and design cities for the well-being of citizens? A noisy, polluted, car-dominated urban space with far too little urban green is, unfortunately, familiar to all of us. It’s difficult to walk there, to bike there, not to mention to stay there. Such spaces are hardly inviting. But it is a fact that the way our cities are shaped, designed and built effects our way of life, how we move from A to B, how we live, our wellbeing and our health. What if we change our perspective and shape cities for the wellbeing of their citizens? How to make a city more livable, sustainable, healthier and more communicative?

Anja’s speakers are:

  • Daniel Tobin, co-founder and creative director of UAP, which creates public art programs that humanize our cities by embedding creativity in the hearts and minds of their populace;
  • Lior Steinberg, urban planner and co-founder of Humankind, a multidisciplinary collective accelerating the transition towards urban happiness for all;
  • Hanna Maria van Zijp, urban planner at LINK arkitektur, who works on projects that involve the development of the “everyday city”;
  • Elisabeth Meze, sustainability coordinator for the real estate corporation of the city of Innsbruck, who focuses on citizen participation in housing projects, as well as the intergenerational and intercultural development of parks and common spaces.

The many other exciting topics and lectures of the conference can be found here.

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