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Fragmentary Positions in Architecture


With a symposium at the Aedes Network Campus on March 5, 2021 and a four-week long exhibition in the BDA gallery in Berlin, the AMM Architecture Media Management Master`s program will discuss the latest findings and fragmentary positions on digital, hybrid and analog teaching in architecture.




Fragmentary positions on digital, hybrid and analog teaching in architecture

Under direction of Prof. Jan R. Krause, the 14th AMM Symposium will become an educational summit for digital teaching. Renowned architecture professors are introducing experimental digital, hybrid and analog teaching methods dedicated to four central formats of architecture studies: the studio, the workshop, the library, and the excursion.

How are these elements changing in times of digital transformation? What is missing due to fragmented teaching and which dimensions can be gained from new media and changed user behavior?

The balancing act between spatial distance and new forms of interaction in architecture

These and other questions are also the subject of the AMM exhibition “d.fragmentation” in the BDA gallery curated by Astrid Bornheim. Its focus lays on innovative approaches that master the balancing act between spatial distance and new forms of interaction in architecture. Speakers, guests, and exhibition visitors will discuss how digital and analog teaching fragments complement each other and which new methods can be developed for an architectural discourse.

The Symposium and Exhibition are designed as hybrid events by the master’s students of the 19th AMM year at Bochum University. They will be available for the exchange of experiences and perspectives as well as for personal networking on site and in the digital space. The conference is requested as a training event from the Chamber of architects. Participation is free.


Medium Rectangle


Biophilic Cities – topos 128
New Neighbourhood in Hollerich, Luxembourg, by SHL
The Underline: A multimodal corridor in Miami

