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Sustainable Tourism – a new way of travelling

What a crazy time! The pandemic is still raging around the world. After about two years of cuts and abandonment, more countries are nevertheless coming to the conclusion to relax the Corona measures, sometimes drastically.

So, it is time for global tourism to develop a new idea of itself. After the lockdown, will we ever be able to travel as we did before? What will the tourism of the future look like? How do we deal with the problems of overtourism in cities and regions? A lot of questions hang on tourism and answers as well as solutions are unfortunately not yet sufficiently apparent in many places. For cities, the endless crowds of visitors were a real problem before Covid. Now it is a question of reactivating tourism in away that is not only environmentally friendly, but also compatible with the inhabitants. Of course, we are not just looking at ideas on how to deal with overtourism but trying to identify real solutions for sustainable tourism for the cities of the future.


Tobias Hager
Chief Content Officer

Ilulissat Icefjord Center: Arctic flapping

Dorte Mandrup built the Ilulissat Icefjord Information Center in Greenland, right on the edge of the UNESCO-protected Arctic wilderness.


Toursim isn´t the right that many holidaymakers, whatever their budgets, seem to think it is. It´s a luxury that needs to pay its way.

Christopher de Bellaigue, The Guardian (June 2020)





Nairobi’s fight against Corona

Nairobi-based urban planner Constant Cap states that the coronavirus crisis could give African cities like Nairobi a good opportunity to re-think their urban planning and development by putting people’s needs in the centre of attention.


Architecture in the North

The exhibition Nordic Urban Spaces at the Nordic Embassies Berlin shows Nordic architecture and urban planning. The exhibition is open until 28 September.


Architecture in the North

The exhibition Nordic Urban Spaces at the Nordic Embassies Berlin shows Nordic architecture and urban planning. The exhibition is open until 28 September.


“It’s design against extinction.”

Interview with Mitchell Joachim, the co-founder of Terreform ONE, about questions of resilience, the imaginative power and designers-as-inventors.


Nairobi’s fight against Corona

Nairobi-based urban planner Constant Cap states that the coronavirus crisis could give African cities like Nairobi a good opportunity to re-think their urban planning and development by putting people’s needs in the centre of attention.


Bicycle Architecture

The Second Bicycle Architecture Biennale launched in Amsterdam this June, featuring an array of cutting-edge bicycle infrastructural projects from around the world. But how useful are they for citizens not blessed with a bike friendly city?


“It’s design against extinction.”

Interview with Mitchell Joachim, the co-founder of Terreform ONE, about questions of resilience, the imaginative power and designers-as-inventors.